Territories are a fundamental pillar of agroecology. Peoples and communities have the right to maintain their own spiritual and material relationships to their lands. They are entitled to secure, develop, control, and reconstruct their customary social structures and to administer their lands and territories, including fishing grounds, both politically and socially. This implies the full recognition of their laws, traditions, customs, tenure systems, and institutions, and constitutes the recognition of the self-determination and autonomy of peoples. (Nyéléni, 2015)
Role of the territorial level in the management of food systems for food sovereignty. Introduction to the Bio-district. Local policies and sustainable management of natural resources.
- Guidelines on Bio-districts. In AIAB Bio agricultura (Salvatore Basile, 2014). IT, ES FR (translated from Italian by Schola Campesina)
- A People’s Food Policy. Transforming our food system (UK). (2017) EN
- Políticas públicas y marcos institucionales para la agricultura familiar en América Latina (Instituto Interamericano de Cooperación para la Agricultura IICA, 2017). ES
- Las compras públicas: ¿alternativa de mercado para la agricultura familiar campesina? (Agrónomos y Veterinarios Sin Fronteras, 2014). ES
- Case study of Prajateerpu: a Citizens Jury / Scenario Workshop on Food and Farming Futures for Andhra Pradesh (Pimbert, Wakeford) EN
- Position politique et objectifs de la Plateforme Foncier Agricole (PFFA) (2015) FR
- Public policies for Food Sovereignty (FIAN, HOTL, Terra Nuova, tni 2018) EN
- Position paper “Strengthening Agroecology” directed at the German Federal Government EN