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The discussion aims to exchange promising practices and lessons learned in addressing gender
inequalities from the initiatives in the rural areas of the region and highlight new challenges. The
side–event will inform FAO, CSOs and other partners’ advocacy, policy, and capacity–building efforts.
The event will bring together the representatives of governments, civil society, farmers,
farmworkers, and academia. Focusing on grassroots voices, the discussion will inform the
participants on the following questions:
– What is the role played by women, and women’s organizations, in developing sustainable food
systems at a local level, and what challenges and opportunities do they encounter?
– What are effective policies and programmes to support the empowerment of diverse rural women
and girls and facilitate the progress towards achieving SDGs?
– How do governments promote rural women’s empowerment as part of the COVID–19 recovery
process (and other crises)? What are the remaining and new challenges?
– What are the implications of UNDROP and SDGs in facilitating policy dialogue for advancing the
status of rural women in the situation of ever–growing uncertainty?
These discussions also will inform the agenda of an upcoming side–event during the FAO Regional
Conference for Europe.
Lead organizers: FAO, Schola Campesina Aps
Focal points: Anna Jenderedjian /Caroline Ledant