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Introduction to E-Learning platform

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Module I. Introduction
Video1: Introduction to Schola Campesina
Video 2: Introduction to this e-learning platform
Video 3: Introduction to the global governance of food and agriculture
Video 4: Introduction to the main actors Fino a 1:40

Module II. The Civil Society Organizations in the global spaces
Video 1: How the Civil Society Organizations entered the global institutions in Rome: a history (Nora Mckeon)
Video 2: The overall challenges Sofia Monsalve
Video 3: The food sovereignty approach Kannaiyan 

Module III. The Committee on World Food Security (CFS): how Civil Society is organized in the CFS (CSM) + focus on major policy processes
Video 1: The Civil Society Mechanism for the CFS (Martin Wolpod)
Video 2: CSO roles in the global governance (Josh)
Video 3: The challenge of facilitation (Elene)
Video 4: “The Voluntary Guidelines on Food Systems and Nutrition” (Isabel Álvarez)
Video 5: “The Framework for Action for Food Security and Nutrition in Protracted Crises” (FFA) fino a 2:20 (Emily)
Video 6: “Food Losses and Waste in the Context of Sustainable Food Systems” (Judith)
Video 7: The importance of monitoring (Emily) dal 2:20 a 6:42, dal 7:29 fino alla fine
Video 8: The Agroecology process in the CFS (Video da fare)

Module IV. FAO and other global poles of action
Video 1: Current challenges faced by CSO in the 4 global spaces (Stefano Prato)
Video 2: The United Nations Declaration on the rights of peasants and other people working in rural areas (UNDROP) (Ramona)
Video 3: The importance of UNDFF from a CSO perspective (Alberto Broch)
Video 4: Biodiversity and Agroecology (Maryam)

Module V. How different constituencies use the global governance spaces
Video 1: Indigenous people (Saul Vicente)
Video 2: Fisherfolks (Editrudith Lukanga)
Video 3: Pastoralists (Verdiana Morani /WAMIP)

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