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Schola Campesina bring the voice of CSO’s in international meetings

At the FAO Expert consultation on knowledge sharing for agricultural innovations applicable for smallholders and family farmers in Europe and Central Asia (10-13 Sept., Hungary). Schola Campesina will also actively participate in the upcoming Civil Society Mechanisms forum (13-14 Oct., FAO HQ, Italy), and in the Committee on World Food Security (15-19 Oct., FAO HQ, Italy).

Schola Campesina bring the voice of CSO’s in international meetings Lire la suite »

A new network of hazelnut producers

On April 17, 2018, celebrating the International Day of peasant struggles, Schola Campesina facilitated an International conference on the hazelnut supply chain bringing together, in Nepi, (Italy) hazelnut producer family farmers and their organizations from Georgia, Italy and Turkey. Beforehand, the participants visited Italian farms, shared experiences on production, markets and contract farming and took

A new network of hazelnut producers Lire la suite »

Budapest CSO Declaration

Find here  the Declaration of the Civil Society Organizations Regional Consultation prior to the FAO Regional Conference for Europe and Central Asia. Budapest 27/04/2018 « As Civil Society Organisations (small-scale farmers, pastoralists, fishers, Indigenous People, agricultural and food workers, consumers, women, youth and NGOs) from across different regions, we are rights holders and active members of the

Budapest CSO Declaration Lire la suite »

Formation Agroécologie / Gouvernance mondiale

La 2e formation en Agroécologie et Gouvernance mondiale de l’alimentation et de l’agriculture est lancée !  Dates: du 1/10 au 16/10/2018 Lieu: ITALIE, Rome & Biodistrict della Via Amerina e delle Forre (Viterbo) Pour qui: Organisations impliquées dans la défense de la Souveraineté alimentaire, l’Agroécologie et les questions de gouvernance mondiale de l’alimentation et de l’agriculture La formation de cette

Formation Agroécologie / Gouvernance mondiale Lire la suite »

FAO Agroecology 2nd symposium

Schola Campesina is at the FAO 2nd Symposium on Agroecology The public and the speakers agree : Agroecology is addressing many development goals (SDG’s). So what…? Crucial points Put politics under pressure to allow (and support) the development of small-scale farming (stop liberal trade agreements, support local markets…). Development of Agroecological learning processes, based on

FAO Agroecology 2nd symposium Lire la suite »

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