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Bio-district della Via Amerina e delle Forre – an Agroecological innovative territory for sustainable local development

Italy’s bio-districts represent clearly defined territories that encompass organic agriculture and food production, promotion of local community initiatives, cultural heritage, and traditional crafts. Bio-districts foster collaboration between farmers, local residents, tourism operators, local authorities, and other cultural and historical institutes and organisations. Italy has 30 bio-districts. Bio-district della Via Amerina e delle Forre is a […]

Bio-district della Via Amerina e delle Forre – an Agroecological innovative territory for sustainable local development Lire la suite »

Testing the Tool for Agroecology Performance Evaluation (TAPE) in European and Central Asian contexts

The Tool for Agroecology Performance Evaluation (TAPE) is an innovative framework to evaluate the performance of agricultural systems and create global evidence on how agroecology supports the transition to sustainable food systems at different scales and locations and to inform policy-making. Following a request by FAO Member Countries, this tool was developed through a participatory

Testing the Tool for Agroecology Performance Evaluation (TAPE) in European and Central Asian contexts Lire la suite »

Le Sommet de l’ONU sur les systèmes alimentaires doit être façonné par ceux et celles les plus affecté-e-s par la faim et la malnutrition Le monde des entreprises étant de plus en plus impliqué dans les prises de décisions aux Nations-Unies, 550 organisations de la société civile (OSC), mouvements sociaux et universités remettent aujourd’hui une lettre au Secrétaire général des Nations Unies affirmant le rôle des dans la transformation des systèmes alimentaires. Le FEM représente les intérêts

Le Sommet de l’ONU sur les systèmes alimentaires doit être façonné par ceux et celles les plus affecté-e-s par la faim et la malnutrition Lire la suite »

« No To Blue Carbon, Yes To Food Sovereignty & Climate Justice » (WFF)

The World Forum of Fish Harvesters & Fish Workers (WFF) draws attention to the dangers of blue carbon initiative for fishing communities. « As the devastating consequences of climate change become ever more disastrous, it is likewise becoming ever more clear that the corporate-dominated UNFCCC-negotiations are not part of the solution but part of the problem.

« No To Blue Carbon, Yes To Food Sovereignty & Climate Justice » (WFF) Lire la suite »

Training for YOUTH on Agroecology & Global governance (it translation) (fr translation)

Schola Campesina -with the financial support of FAO-, is organizing a capacity-development training for 8 young members from small-scale food producers partner organizations on global governance mechanisms of food and agriculture in the frame of the United Nations Decade of Family Farming (2019-2028). The training will be held in a partner farm, in the Lazio

Training for YOUTH on Agroecology & Global governance (it translation) (fr translation) Lire la suite »

Facilitation d’une formation à l’Agroécologie en Pologne

Schola Campesina is supporting the Food Sovereignity movement in Poland (Nyeleni Polska) to organize an innovative training for farmers activists and educators on Agroecology « AGRO-PERMA-LAB ». To be held in the second half of October 2019, the training will be based on knowledge sharing methods (participants are providing knowledge based on their experiences) and dialogue of

Facilitation d’une formation à l’Agroécologie en Pologne Lire la suite »

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