
Documentos en espanol:

Gobernanza mundial:

Poducción agroecologica

Agroecologia y feminismo:

Conocimiento campesino



Otros documentos in inglès

Agroecology Guidebook – Briding generations through knowledge sharing PART 1 The concept of Agroecology

Right to Food

Reference documents:

links: http://www.righttofoodandnutrition.org/

Global Governance

Introduction to the work done by civil society organisations (IPC) on food and agriculture global governance within the global institutions: FAO, Committee on World Food Security (CFS), the Civil Society Mechanism (CSM) and the human rights-based approach to food, agriculture and nutrition. Introduction to FAO’s overall strategies (Strategic Objectives, Sustainable Development Goals) and FAO’s partnership policy.

Reference documents:

Schola Campesina desarrolló en 2019 un curso de capacitación online dedicado a la gobernanza global de la alimentación y la agricultura.

FAO and Agroecology.

Presentation of FAO works on Agroecology, its normative role, the global knowledge product, the Agroecology Symposiums and FAO Farmer Field School (FFS) initiatives and others experiences.

Reference documents:

Innovation / digitalization

Local knowledge for farm autonomy

Exploration of different ways of building farm autonomy: valuing local knowledge, farmers’ technologies for water and energy management, soil fertility and the multi-functionality of farming (for more information on technological sovereignty, please see: L’Atelier paysan http://www.latelierpaysan.org/, and Farm Hack http://farmhack.org/tools )

Reference documents:

Agroecological production

Reference documents:

Food chain concentration

Gender & Agroecology

Explore the link between women’s empowerment and food sovereignty, the role of women in transforming food systems.

Reference documents:

Rural extension

How to share knowledge amongst food producers? Tools for peasant knowledge recovery, development and dissemination. How to boost our capacity to innovate and to share innovations? The role of agroecology schools (IALA, MST, CAC, Eur. Network) and others initiatives and networks (Agroecologia espora,etc). Basic principles of popular education (horizontal dialogue of knowledge, diálogo de saberes).

Reference documents:

Criminalization of social movements

Local policies and local food system

Role of the territory and the local management of food systems for food sovereignty. Introduction to the Bio-district. Local policies and sustainable management of natural resources. Urban-rural linkages and farmers-consumers linkages.

Reference documents:

History of food sovereignty movements and its relation with global governance

Farmer’s organisations

Farmer’s organisations as social actors for change. How to get stronger and influence local policies? How to build a social control on natural resources?

Reference documents:

Environmental and social impacts of agro industrial model

Democratising knowledge for agroecology and food sovereignty

Knowledge and power relations, people’s access to knowledge and know-how as a political issue.

Reference documents:

Biodiversity & Seeds

Intellectual property rights, criminalization of farmers’ seeds, international treaties and regulations, seeds, international actors and roles (CGIAR, FAO), institutional lock-ins, farmer’s seeds networks, seeds selection and conservation methods.

Reference documents:

Agroecology and markets

How to create, develop and strengthen peasant markets? Local policies to develop access to local markets.

Reference documents:

Enlace Elaboración artesanal en conservera colectiva Maskilu ES EHNE Bizakai 2019

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