

Webinars on the implementation UNDROP 28 – 29 November 2022/19 – 20 December 2022

The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations Regional Office for Europe and Central Asia (FAO REU) together with the Eco Ruralis association from Romania is jointly organizing through a Letter of Agreement two online webinars and an in-person training on the implementation of UNDROP. Each online webinar is structured in sessions of 3 […]

Webinars on the implementation UNDROP 28 – 29 November 2022/19 – 20 December 2022 Read More »

WEBINAR November 3d, 2022. Agroecology for Women’s Economic Empowerment and Strengthening their Autonomy

Experiences from Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Türkiye Evidence on gender-based inequalities and their importance for sustainable and inclusive agri-food systems (Anna Jenderedjian, FAO REU)  Tracking information on the situation with women’s rights on land ownership and control – SDG Indicators 5.a.1 and 5.a.2 (Giorgi Kvinikadze, FAO REU) 3d November 2022 09:30-11:00 CET 10:30-12:00 Ankara 11:30-13:00 Baku/Tbilisi/Yerevan

WEBINAR November 3d, 2022. Agroecology for Women’s Economic Empowerment and Strengthening their Autonomy Read More »

Training in Sakarya (Turkey) on Agroecology with Central Asian and Turkish partners (With Çiftçi-Sen & ADI)

During the week of the 30th of May, Schola Campesina Aps (Italy), ADI (Kyrgyzstan), and Çiftçi-sen (Turkey), with the financial support of FAO, hosted agroecology trainings with the aim of sharing knowledge and raising awareness within the participants’ organisations on the opportunities brought by Agroecology. Overall the event was successful in building capacity and a

Training in Sakarya (Turkey) on Agroecology with Central Asian and Turkish partners (With Çiftçi-Sen & ADI) Read More »

Wheat grain is pictured at a warehouse in Bashtanka, Mykolaiv region, as Russia's attacks on Ukraine continue. Photograph: Edgar Su/Reuters

Ukraine helps feed the world – but its farmers, seeds and future are in danger – Michael Fakhri and Sofia Monsalve

Retrieved from: https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2022/jun/13/ukraine-farmers-seed-food-crisis?CMP=share_btn_fb&fbclid=IwAR21fri1ak63OXSkVu5HkBa2WIX1L-y5-x7quI0tOLWlAW9ScJUw9bw4Ow0 Photo caption: Wheat grain is pictured at a warehouse in Bashtanka, Mykolaiv region, as Russia’s attacks on Ukraine continue. Photograph: Edgar Su/Reuters The war in Ukraine has made the food crisis triggered by the pandemic worse. People in Ukraine not only fear for their lives but are facing possible food shortages. Because

Ukraine helps feed the world – but its farmers, seeds and future are in danger – Michael Fakhri and Sofia Monsalve Read More »

17 June – Webinar “Seeds and Knowledge: Agroecology to strengthen autonomy of rural women (Eastern Europe)”

[Русский ниже] Schola Campesina APS (Italy), FAO Regional Office for Europe and Central Asia and Gradina Moldovei (Moldova), together with Agro-Eco-Cultura (Belarus), EcoAction (Ukraine), Permaculture in Ukraine (Ukraine) held the webinar ‘Seeds and Knowledge: Agroecology to strengthen autonomy of rural women. The webinar is part of a series of 4 webinars organised in the region to discuss and highlight the

17 June – Webinar “Seeds and Knowledge: Agroecology to strengthen autonomy of rural women (Eastern Europe)” Read More »

9 June – Western Balkans webinar on Women’s role in food systems

REGIONAL WEBINAR  Women’s role in agrifood value chains in the Western Balkans 9 June 2022 10:30–12:30 Central European Time Via Zoom meeting: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84244993794?pwd=QkMvdXorY25mTi9DU21ReEFkSFY5dz09 The webinar’s language is English (translation from English to Albanian and Serbian languages will be provided) Concept note available here

9 June – Western Balkans webinar on Women’s role in food systems Read More »

Civil Society Open Letter to Ministers on WTO Fisheries Subsidies Negotiations

From PANS website: https://pang.org.fj/cso-open-letter-wto-fisheries-subsidies-negotiations-2022/ May 31, 2022  |  No Comments Download the French version of the Open Letter In June 2022 when World Trade Organization (WTO) Ministers meet there will be intense pressure and expectation for an outcome on the negotiations on fisheries subsidies. The ministerial (MC12) comes at a volatile time in global geopolitics,

Civil Society Open Letter to Ministers on WTO Fisheries Subsidies Negotiations Read More »

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