TAPE data analysis Анализ данных(audio from CoP 05/08 – Carolina Starr)

The audio document is in English, while the video below is in English in the first part and in Russian in the second part. If you are English speaker, please launch the video and the audio at the same time, while muting the video document. Если вы русскоговорящий, пожалуйста, посмотрите видео. Только вторая часть на […]

TAPE data analysis Анализ данных(audio from CoP 05/08 – Carolina Starr) Read More »

Коллеги по ФАО Дарио и Расул: презентация по анализу данных, полученных в ходе ТЭЙП – FAO colleagues Dario and Rassoul: presentation on data analysis from TAPE (Audio CoP(2) 5/8/21)

The audio document is in English, while the video below is in Russian (of the same presentation). If you are English speaker, please launch the video and the audio at the same time, while muting the video document. презентация PowerPoint Powerpoint Presentation Аудио на английском, а видео на русском

Коллеги по ФАО Дарио и Расул: презентация по анализу данных, полученных в ходе ТЭЙП – FAO colleagues Dario and Rassoul: presentation on data analysis from TAPE (Audio CoP(2) 5/8/21) Read More »

Andrea’s introduction to CoP 2 (Audio, 5/8/2021) Вступительное слово Андреа для СоП 2 (Аудио, 8.05.2021)

Introduction in 3 points: – International recognition of Agroecology and TAPE as a metrics to mesure Agroecology (recognition from the High Level Panel of Experts of the Committee on world Food Security) – This Community of practice is there to last in the long term. – Coming meetings: 4th of October – Exchange of experience

Andrea’s introduction to CoP 2 (Audio, 5/8/2021) Вступительное слово Андреа для СоП 2 (Аудио, 8.05.2021) Read More »

Nomadic pastoralism in Kyrgyzstan: preserving traditions and food culture

By DevelopmentAid (Ana Benoliel Coutinho) Cultural diversity allows traditions to be preserved as well as creating a more closely-knit society that is allowed to retain its idiosyncrasies. Food traditions play a crucial role in this process as they unite people and also allow them to develop food systems that are appropriate to their cultural identity,

Nomadic pastoralism in Kyrgyzstan: preserving traditions and food culture Read More »

Documents related to TAPE

In English TAPE Guidance All English documents on TAPE are available in the reserved area Examples of TAPE from Georgia, Italy, Kyrgyzstan and  Turkey (Schola Campesina, 2020) По-русски ТЭЙП- Инструмент для оценки эффективности агроэкологии ТЭЙП Руководство по тестированию и отчетности Video presentation on Agroecology

Documents related to TAPE Read More »

TAPE in Moldova – Gradina Moldovai’s experience (audio from CoP meeting 21/5)

Mariana explains that the testing of TAPE in Moldova (EcoVillage) represented an opportunity to speak about agroecology which is an unknown concept in rural areas. Faced challenges included the fear of people to share data and information on their reality / the international language and concepts are not alsways appropriate / TAPE requires substantial training

TAPE in Moldova – Gradina Moldovai’s experience (audio from CoP meeting 21/5) Read More »

TAPE in Georgia – Elkana’s experience (audio from CoP meeting 21/5)

In this speech, Elene Shatberashvili (Elkana organization) explains the challenges when testing TAPE in Georgia in Autumn 2020: translation into local language / Covid pandemia and the fear to gather people together / “international language” is not always appropriate. She also highlights that often farmers under value their knowledge and practices.

TAPE in Georgia – Elkana’s experience (audio from CoP meeting 21/5) Read More »

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