Step 0 gathering in Moldova - EcoVillage Center, district Criuleni, Village Rîșcova (4/2/21)

Tool for Agroecological Performance Evaluation – Test en Europe et Asie Centrale

FAO Tool for Agroecological Performance Evaluation (TAPE) is in its pilot phase and Schola Campesina coordinates the testing in countries of  Europe and Central Asia including Georgia, Kyrgyzstan, Poland, Turkey, Moldova, Hungary, Italy (and many others to come in 2021).

Beyond demontsrating the performance of agroecology, TAPE is a tool that makes visible peasant knowledge and practices, showing their importance for sustainability.

Schola Campesina is committed to spread TAPE in many of its partners context to generate debates and connections between people and organizations around agroecology in the region.

TAPE: pilot research of agroecological transition in Poland



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